Okay, not too many questions, but quite a few comments. I guess I'll have to write my own damn blog, huh ;-)? But I did manage to squeeze one post out of this writer's block. So, you all saved Sally from having to learn to type just yet.
Angry ballerina asked: Can I have a pony?
My answer: Sure. Ask BF#1 or BF#2 to get you one. If you were asking me to get you one, then I have one response: Do I look like your sugar daddy?
Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein asked: If you could pick one movie and one book that you love that everyone else should see and/or read, what would they be?
I think a book that EVERY American should read is A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn. It is American history from the viewpoint of the Native Americans, the slaves, the poor, etc. Read it and you'll never celebrate another "Columbus Day" again.
As for movies, there are two must sees: Why We Fight and The Corporation. If you think that "we the people" are really in control of much of anything, then these movies will open your eyes. It's all about money, honey.
You didn't say they had to be happy did ya, Dr. Monkerstein? I could list dozens of books, really, and include some awesome fiction. Another post for another day.
The Undeniable Liberal wants to know: What do you do to relax/have fun?
Have fun? What's that? Actually, I can tell you what I would like to do to relax, but it's not exactly legal in this country. No admission of ever having done that though. None whatsoever.
I also exercise and scrapbook. Both keep me sane.
And Nancy reminded me to do her last tag. So here it goes:
1. Should guys wear pink?
Absolutely. Some guys look smokin' hot in pink. And nothing says "I'm secure in my masculinity" more than pink. Especially pink underwear.
2. Do you kiss with your eyes opened or closed? *
Open. Well, when I'm sober ;-).
3. What is the first "non-physical" feature you tend to notice about a person you find attractive?
Intelligence and wit.
4. Have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex?
5. Would you rather receive amazing oral sex or have amazing sex?
Have amazing sex.
6. What’s in your wallet?
Money, various "cards" - credit, ID, etc., coupons, punch cards, pictures, receipts,.....maybe it'd be easier to list what's NOT in my wallet ;-).
7. What’s under your bed?
All kinds of crap in plastic, under bed bins - e.g., a box with "emergency gifts" for birthday parties, off-season workout clothes and PJs...prolly a few dust bunnies. I have very little storage space in my house, so under the bed is used space!
8. What’s on that way top shelf or in the very far back of your closet?
9. What’s in your underwear drawer?
10. What’s in the trunk of your car?
Workout bag, workout mat, Dora the Explorer umbrellas, beach towel, spare tire....
11. What color is the underwear you’re wearing at this moment?
Pink (b/c I'm secure in my masculinity).
12. Do you have a super-secret hiding place and what’s in it?
No, not really. I have been known to hide "the good candy" though.
13. Do you feel guilty about something right now, if yes, what?
I was raised Catholic. I always feel guilty about something even though I am so very NOT Catholic any more. Probably right now, at this moment, not having more patience with my 3-year-old at bed time tonight.
14. What is your last thought before you fall asleep?
Are all the doors locked?
15. How long have those leftovers been in your fridge?
Almost a week. It may be time to admit no one wants them.
16. Do you sleep with anything?
Yes. Hubby & several pillows. Sometimes a couple of kids too.
17. Who is the last person you had lustful thoughts about that didn’t know?
That didn't know? Probably this guy. Unless he got that e-mail...... ;-).
18. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
With teenaged daughters. OH SHIT!!
19. What do you most want to be remembered for?
Raising a couple of outstanding, strong, caring, well-adjusted women. Being a good teacher and mentor to the students I work closely with, helping them to reach their goals in a positive and productive way. Being a mostly active (and hopefully proactive) person.
20. What do you think is the most attractive part of a man's body?
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